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I couldn’t sum this up any better than Jamie Patrick did in his email below… so I just cut and pasted. Amazing!


Hi Friends, Family, Co Workers,

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I am sorry if you are getting this email twice. I have a favor to ask. I really good friend of mine will be attempting one of the greatest swims of all time. Many of you may know him. His name is Paul Lundgren. I have been very fortunate to have been able to train with him over the past six months. One week from today he will set out on a journey across the Sea of Cortez. This 76 mile swim is one that will go down in history. I will travel down to Mexico to assist Paul next week on this quest. I am both honored and excited that I will be there to help him accomplish this dream. Paul will be in the water for 40 to 50 hours. He will swim without the use of a wetsuit and will only pause for nutrition. The reason for this email is to ask for your help. Doing a swim like this takes an extreme amount of spirit and energy from others. If you could PLEASE take two minutes this morning send a quick email to Paul to wish him luck. It would mean a great deal to me and I know it will mean a great deal to Paul knowing that he has support from around the world. Paul is not doing this swim this for fame or fortune. He does not do it to set any records. Paul does this to better himself as a person. Even if you do not know Paul, please join me in supporting him on this amazing journey. It truly will mean the world to Paul if his inbox gets flooded with well wishes.

Together, lets send Paul off with lots of love. I ask you to take two minutes this morning and send a quick email even it just says Good Luck…. Paul’s email is

Thank you all so much for your help on this. Love and Peace to all. It just takes 2 minutes to make some ones day.

If you want to read more on Paul’s Swim you can check it out here. You will be able to follow Paul’s swim live.

Your Friend – Jamie

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